Swept Over the Rug, 2023
Interactive projection. 4x5 m, thread installation. 3x4 m

"Swept Over the Rug" employs an interactive projection that detects body motion and responds with light, accompanied by an installation of threads. The project's aim is to challenge societal constraints imposed by physical structures on bodily movement.
It utilises light as a disruptive tool; the artwork relegates physical body features, colour, gender, and fixed objects in the space to the background. The emphasis is on bringing movement to the forefront, highlighting the importance of motion to sustain a conscious direction that focuses attention on how body movement is oriented within the interior physical space.
This work encourages the publics to contemplate the interaction between their external bodily motion and the internal architectural environment of the space. And it serves as a response to my research project, Hidden Dimension. Which explores the social constraints imposed on women's bodily experiences and the perceptual sensitivity to bodily movement.

As an extension to this project, the workshop How Our Experiences Could Serve as Art was conducted in Mohammad Amin refugee camp, Amman.